New Mexico
Economic Assistance Recovery Network (EARN)
The purpose of NM IDEA's EARN program is to provide the necessary tools, resources, and equitable support to build the capacity of economic development professionals across New Mexico as they provide assistance to businesses and proactively plan for recovery in the immediate, intermediate, and long-term phases of the COVID-19 pandemic.
EARN will become a reliable network and resource for New Mexico’s economic development community where industry partners may opt in to connect with and support recovery efforts, learn best practices, and continue receiving technical assistance for federal and state programs.
Phase 1: Immediate (Capacity Building)
Primary Objective: Build Capacity of Economic Development Professionals to provide business owners with technical support to navigate federal, state, and nonprofit economic relief programs
NMIDEA will facilitate capacity building through several different avenues, including:
Aggregation, distillation, and creation of easily understandable and accessible economic relief program dashboards that can be utilized by EARN to support businesses impacted by COVID-19.
Facilitation of a regular virtual learning community to ask and answer questions about programs, share experiences, and discuss frequently asked questions.
Maintain a FAQ document that can updated and accessed in real time by EARN.
Phase 2: Intermediate (Recovery Action Plan)
Primary Objective: Given local and regional economic development professionals proximity and intimacy with their communities, they are best positioned to collaborate with industry and governmental partners to facilitate and develop a recovery action plan.
NM IDEA will support local and regional economic development professionals to develop economic recovery plans through several different avenues, including:
Facilitation of a regular virtual learning community to ask and answer questions about programs, share experiences, and discuss frequently asked questions.
Providing a direct link to state and federal agencies engaging in economic recovery efforts to ensure efforts are complimentary and not duplication of existing efforts.
Compilation of economic recovery action plans curated by EARN and other stakeholders.
Phase 3: Long-term (Recovery Effort Implementation)
Primary Objective: Provide economic development professionals with necessary tools, resources, and support to manage recovery efforts.
NM IDEA will continue to support local and regional economic development professionals during implementation of economic recovery plans through several different avenues, including:
Provide economic development professionals with an ongoing network to share necessary tools, resources, and support to manage shifts in industry regulatory and competitive environments for lasting resiliency.
Facilitation of a regular virtual learning community to ask and answer questions about programs, share experiences, and discuss frequently asked questions.
Providing a partnership with state and federal agencies engaging in economic recovery efforts
Compilation of economic recovery action plans curated by EARN and other stakeholders