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NM Basic Economic Development Course will be Help On-line in 2020

Writer's picture: Melinda AllenMelinda Allen

The International Academy for Economic Development's NM Basic Economic Development Course will be held online this year. The course organizers have asked us to share the following information about this year's course.

The course organizers have been working with IEDC and other Course Directors from around the country trying to produce an online model for the Basic Course. Most of the states that had courses scheduled after the pandemic shut down have opted to not to hold a course this year. Ohio put together a model and we have used their ideas and altered it to fit what organizers think will work in New Mexico.

The course will present all the lectures on Zoom over a six week period starting on July 19th. The course will follow the Sunday kick off with 3.5 hour live presentations on Zoom every Friday morning through August 28th. The course will then host discussion groups with the presenters on the following Monday or Tuesday. Depending on the number of registrants, there will be one or two case study communities.

Course organizers will be working with the presenters to be sure they are comfortable with this format before they present. This format has allowed organizers to line up an impressive presenter roster from around the country and to use our local talent to keep our NM focus. We hope to make up for the lack of personal contact by having engaging speakers who will speak for no more than an hour and then join us for follow up discussion.

This course is needed now more than ever as we all try to get our economy back on track. Organizers think this course will be enhanced by hearing from presenters from around the country to not just share their expertise but also their perspective. Everyone's presentations will be recorded so that the attendees can use the presentations as reference materials as well as potentially share separate modules after the course.

A special thanks to Mary Homan and NM Gas Company for helping to underwrite this course. Organizers are getting this out late as they had to wait for guidance from IEDC. IAED will have some scholarships available, but folks need to apply ASAP.

The registration portal for the NM Basic Course is open at or they can call Noreen Scott at (505) 710-7172. This year's course promises to be the best one ever in spite of the challenges. Please urge anyone who would benefit from this Economic Development overview to join us.

Thanks again to all of you for volunteering your time and talent to help grow NM's economy. Please share any ideas that you believe will enhance the course.

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